Mobile Strategy and Development

Want to mobilize processes in your organisation ?

Location Based Services

Interested in asset tracking technologies ?

Environmental Monitoring

Interested in wireless environmental monitoring ?

Wi-Fi Location Based Services

How to use Wi-Fi for real-time asset and staff tracking ?

Mobile Integration Specialist

Based in Copenhagen we design, implement and support your company's mobile strategy

We love mobility, workflows and technology

We are engineers by profession and designers of good solutions by heart. We ask not only how best to solve a problem, but why.

Mobile Strategy and Development

We offer our clients a holistic approach grounded on real-world technical knowledge, best-practice design, implementation and development methodologies.

Location Based Services

Our current focus is indoor tracking of assets and personnel and extended capabilities such as environmental monitoring of medicine, research tissue-samples and food.

User-centered project management

In order to ensure our clients also close a successful project you need to start discussing deployment, process and design before implementing systems and before writing any code.

In good company

We're proudly working with some of the most successful companies in Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Germany.

Kerteminde Kommune

Twise har sammen med Ascom implementeret en system til beboerkald for en række plejecentre i Kerteminde Kommune. Systemet er baseret på WiFi lokationsbestemmelse og AeroScout.

Twise has worked alongside Ascom delivering a resident call button system for Kerteminde Kommune’s nursing homes. The system is based on WiFi locationing using AeroScout.

Design Wi-Fi RTLS


We are helping The New University Hospital (Det Nye Universitetshospital) in Skejby, Århus with location based staff alarms and patient calls together with Ascom.

Advising Device Management Wi-Fi RTLS Workshops


Twise is helping Securitas manage and roll out their fleet of iOS devices through SOTI MobiControl

Advising Device Management Integration

Get in touch

Whether you are looking for a partner, need to kick around a few ideas or have some useful feedback